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BED OF NAILS is a noise box based around a contact microphone and a ring modulator circuit.

It is designed to be used in conjunction with effects pedals to create sonic soundscapes. Hit and pluck the strings to produce awkward industrial percussive sounds blended with the oscillator of the ring mod.

Although an instrument in itself, it also has an input jack so that it can be used as an effects pedal. In this scenario the input signal and the contact microphones signals are mixed together before hitting the ring mod. Experiment with a variety of instruments through the BED OF NAILS to create interesting sonic landscapes.

This DIY kit provides:
+ A drilled and hand printed enclosure
+ A semi populated PCB
+ All necessary components
+ All necessary hardware (knobs, switches, springs, bolts etc)
+ A step by step build guide
+ Access to a video build guide
+ Explanations for further possible modifications

You will require:
+ A soldering iron and solder
+ Needle nosed pliers
+ Wire stripper/cutter

For the time being these will be offered as a DIY project only.

I've tried to make the kit as beginner friendly as possible but prior soldering experience will definitely make the build a lot easier.